Retraining | Autoškola Flegel
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Do you know that you may obtain a driving or professional licence for free?  Yes, in the course of retraining the labour exchange may cover your costs up to 50 000 CZK invested to receive driving training? The FLEGEL driving school specialises in these retraining courses, cooperates with labour exchange offices and our students are successful in getting driving jobs. Become a professional driver of a bus or truck. We belong among leading training and traffic psychology centres

The professional truck driver

We will prepare you for the carrier of a truck driver.  You will undergo the training for groups C, C+E and initial professional training. Thanks to these courses you will obtain a driving qualification and a professional licence for trucks with trailers (group C, C+E).


  • Age of 21 years (if you are over 18, you have to undergo the initial training)
  • You have to be a holder of driving authorization of group B – passenger car
  • Length of course 2 to 3 months
  • Lending of training materials

The professional bus driver

We will prepare you for the bus driver carrier. You will undergo training of groups coming under D group and the initial professional training. Thanks to these courses you will obtain driving authorization and a professional licence for buses (group D).


  • Age of 24 years (if you are over 21, you have to undergo the initial training)
  • You have to be a holder of driving authorization of group B – passenger car
  • Length of course 2 to 3 months
  • Lending of training materials

If you find the offer for retraining interesting, drop by in our FLEGEL driving school. We will provide you with all printed forms for the CR labour exchange and give advice as to their correct filling and obtaining a subsidy.  We will also provide copies of our Registration and Accreditation documents proving our authorization for this activity, which have to be submitted to a labour exchange office before the retraining course starts.