Group D | Autoškola Flegel
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Group D

Terms for obtaining

  • Training may start 18 month before reaching the required age (24 years of age).
  • The test for receiving a driving authorization can be taken after reaching the age of 24 years (a day after 24th birthday)
  • the driving authorization may be given to a person, who has reached the age of 21 years:
    • within the initial training (under the special regulation)
    • if the applicant is a holder of professional licence of driving qualification (the applicant has undergone the initial training under the special regulation in the extended scope)
  • driving licence of group C with a limitation of driving authorization
    • See the list (Ministries…)

Scope of training


  • 10 hours – training in vehicle traffic rules
  • 12 hours – training in the control and maintenance of vehicles
  • 10 hours – training in theory of driving and principles of safe ride
  • 2 hours – training in medical preparation
  • 4 hours – revision and testing


  • 14 hours – training in vehicle driving
  • 2 hours – training in practical maintenance
  • 4 hours – practical training in medical preparation